Friday, June 22, 2007


My oldest son asked me to take him to open a bank account since he is leaving for college soon.

I made time to do it, but before we left he had to call his uncle to ask him what he should ask about.
I make twice what his uncle makes, but I know nothing about opening a checking account.

Then, afterwards, I asked him if we could stop at the DMV so I could get new tags for my car. He asked how long it would take because he felt I should take him home first so he would not have to wait.

No place for me here

There wasn't an ounce of regret that my Father's Day was ruined.
There is some attempt on my eldest son's part to "make nice" but his college tuition is due soon so that's understandable.
I have decided to go headfirst into my work for the next few weeks, and do what I always do.

Monday, June 18, 2007


My youngest son had planned to go to Atlanta for a vacation, but I had asked him to come with me to see my Mother first who is getting old and who he hasn't seen for 2 years.

We had decided to go see her right after school closed (6/8) so we could be back and he could plan the rest of the summer. He couldn't commit to that because of Atlanta.

Today, he announces he is going to Atlanta and has no idea when he will be back.

Gain of custody/loss of sons

Since I have been without custody for so long, my kids are used to celebrating holidays with my ex's family.

I found out that now this extends to Father's Day.
She made them get up at 10AM to be at her Father's House so they could see him.

After letting my kids know that we had to go to dinner at 3pm, they called 2 hours late and asked where we should meet.
I had left about 1.5 hours after waiting, and it didn't bother anyone but me that being two hours late without calling might be a problem.

I have no reason to be here if my kids hardly care enough to show up for Father's day dinner.