Sunday, February 1, 2009


I know you know I am angry, but since you will never talk to me, it’s useless to sit you down and explain.

We have two “conversations” every day.
1-Can I have money for lunch? (Or for something else)
2-What’s for dinner?

Every since you drank when I was away, I can’t leave the house without worrying about you may try it again; this time with more serous consequences.

With business in all industries slowing down, I will have to work harder than ever to continue to make the money that has paid for Colin’s college and allowed me to save enough cash that you will never have to worry about paying for your education.

I don’t have help. My family is 500 miles away and your Mother, even when she is sober, cannot even get here since she refuses to take a bus.

You knew you had to go to this class for months, yet you failed to do even the minimum of research so I could take you. You relied on Tyler. Have you forgotten what that has gotten you so far?

You wanted a hard drive, but if I ask you to hook up the printer, you will only go as far as reading what I send you. You won’t do anything on your own, and why should you? The printer is conveniently right next to you. Which is what you did when you first set it up, since it would have taken a little work to network it.

I will have to start to travel again as I really have no choice.
If you get in trouble again, you will have to find another place to live.
You can go to Atlanta, your Grandmother’s, wherever you would rather be.

Because I won’t live like this anymore. You don’t respect me or anything I have tried to do for you.
You treat me worse now that you ever did when you came to visit.

I remember always arguing with Mom that if I was only allowed to see you just 4 days a month, I would only get to see you on your birthday every 7 years. She never budged. The court said ever other weekend and that was it.

I know Greg is coming and, of course, they will want you to spend your birthday with them.
You don’t need to ask. Go where you want.

When you plan your vacation, just let me know when it is, so I can go somewhere and wonder how I fucked up so badly.

It will be a special vacation. I am planning to go to Europe or maybe even go to Japan one last time.

I’ll make sure to send you pictures.